Angelica James
Right now, it’s a test of our humanity because we are living in dangerous and painfully sad times, and unfortunate for some; it’s deadly. We are all inundated with COVID-19, some more than others. Some are overwhelmed while others are taking this in stride; treating this lock down as a long-extended vacation and some of us are remaining calm cool and collected.
No matter how you choose to cope with this outbreak right now, one thing for sure is that the Corona virus has undoubtedly disrupted our normal way of lives across all spectrum. Not only here in the US, but around the world as a whole. However, we are please to see the coming together of regular people, politicians, religious organization and normal Americans just rallying around one common goal and that is to save lives; especially our most precious, our family and friends.
We cannot help but ponder that businesses would never be the same as usual. There’s going to be a re-structuring of our lives in ways that we could never imagine. We want to believe that there isn’t a switch somewhere that we can just turn on and make us magically go back to our normal way of life. This is going to come as a shock to most of us. The unfortunate truth is, some Companies are not going to survive this. Others are going to re-structure, they are going to come back with a different culture, a different way of operating. Some are going to be trim down, while others are going to get new wings to grow like they couldn’t have before.
I am not old enough to have live through any pandemic and the only thing that I’ve seen in my lifetime which doesn’t even come close to what we are experiencing now was 911, 2008 market crash, Zika and Ebola- though they were all serious, they didn’t have the global disruption as Covid is having right now.
This one is different. It has a gloomy, solemn feel to it. It’s different in size, style and just the health issues it has globally. However, we will get through this. We always have and always will. We will learn and grow from this and as a result, we are going to change for the better and how we respond now would affect generations to come.
Continue to be social from a distance. The data shows that this practice is really effective against spreading this contagion. Stay plugged in, keep updated. Use this time to spend quality time with your family. For those of you who work outside of your house and only get to see your family on early mornings and late evenings, soak this moment in. Spend every waking moment you can with them. Look for the good things in this, not the bad. Create some cool moments and share them with us on our FB page.
For those of our clients who have those amazing renovated kitchens done by us. Share with us some social post on our page with you chilling, cooking or hanging in those lovely spaces. Let’s all find ways to keep ourselves entertained while being safe.
We are working from our home office and are using all available technology to us to keep working. We now do 100% of our meetings online. All of our presentations are done via screen share through your PC, Android or iPhone. We even video chat to virtually walk you through your own measurement of your kitchen which we then take and begin the design phase.
Now is still a great time to work on that kitchen that you have been trying to get done for years. Let’s start planning (design, cabinets selection, countertops, appliances and other materials). Let’s work together to get you ready and as soon as we find that switch to turn back on our way of life, our team would show up at your house with a demo crew, just like you would see on TV and renovate! Let’s do it!!
Let’s all be smart and safe during this challenging time.
Well said. Thanks for the encouragement. I am not old enough to have experienced anything like this to this magnitude, but historical accounts from bible times to present reassures me that we can make it as long as we take the precautionary measures.
Lesia – BVI
Such encouragement that we need now in our lives. It is a tragedy to see so many lives lost right here in New York. The news is dismal but we believe in that blessed hope and God will see us through. We will have many testimonies after this is over. We just have to be faithful and continue praying for life, health and strength to push us through and for those essential workers fighting this pandemic from the forefront.
Well said, Ms. James. And you are so right–our world has changed forever. And agreed, Felicia, as long as we are under the Rock of safety and covering, we will be alright! Keep the faith, pray for others as well as our own circle of family and friends. We pray for global mercy and grace for this plague to end. Keep doing what you are doing to adjust to how your business operates–your amazing designs are a blessing to your clients. All the best for your continued and future success!
Thank you. Kind words at an uncertain time. 🙏